Anyone ever use a electric water heater as a boiler? - electric outdoor heaters
I have underfloor heating in my house (3000sq ft) heated with an outdoor wood boiler. I wonder if you have a water heater can use as a boiler. What do we need? Transport, etc. .. Pump also hold the monthly cost to heat the house?
I wouldnt be using the standard water heater revised, 50 gal, 40gal, and so on. You must have a tankless water heater, which is very efficet in any way. Endless hot water. You turn around the rate of temperature drop is incredible. Depnding as it is in a quiet water heater tankless water from the kettle twice as effective. I have all the time. In addition, this road will have nothing in common. You need only to sound good. Good luck with that! Merry Christmas
Do not worry, the temperature will not return quickly enough.
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